Wednesday, October 19, 2011

University of Scouting / Pow Wow InteliScout Registration Procedure


I have had several people e-mail or call me because they can't figure out how to sign up for classes on InteliScout – after they have set up an account.  Here is a step-by-step procedure, which you may pass on to those who might need help:

·         Go to website
·         If this is first time, create an account with "New Member" link.
·         Thereafter, select "Member Login", and enter account name and password
·         This takes you to your council's events.
·         Select University of Scouting / Pow Wow
·         This takes you to the event page.  Read information, then…
·         Click the "Register" the first time only.  You get a quick message verifying that you are "registered" but that's all.  Don't give up.
·         Thereafter, select "Enter" to go to or return to your UOS/PW page
·         From the menus on left select "Course Offerings" to see table of courses and their assigned time periods.  Click on a title to see a brief description of the class.  Keep notes of what you want to take.  Close "Course Offerings" window.  You do not make your class selection here.
·         Select "Checkout"  from menu.  This is where you actually select the classes; and where you pay, later.
·         Choose "Schedule" button to bring up course selection options.
·         Highlight each class you want in the Available Courses window, in priority order, and move to Selected Courses window with the << button.  Unselect with the >> button.
·         When all classes have been selected, click the "Save" button at the bottom of page.
·         Click "Checkout" from left menu, again to go to pay options or to leave registration, for now.  You can return later and revise course selections and pay either on-line or by mailed-in form.
·         Select Log Out button to complete.

There are options for units to group all participants and pay at once, but that is more complicated than it is worth for this event.  Note: do not ever select "Unregister" unless you really mean to cancel all previous input.


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Important update.. Please share and read.. the above link takes you directly to the new Facebook page for the combined Arlington and Mansfiel...