Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Level One Archery Class - April 14 Seats available


Level I Archery Instructor Course

USA Archery & NFAA Basic (Level 1) Archery Instructor

For Scouts and Venturing Adults

This course is for adults who would like to run an archery program for their Scout Troop or Venturing Crew, and to be an Archery Merit Badge counselor. Upon completion, students will receive the Basic Archery Instructor certification, instructor card (valid for 3 years), the Instructor’s Manual, and a Longhorn Council Archery Instructor’s patch.
The key to a successful archery program is a trained staff. If quality Archery is part of your Troop or Crew program, send your candidate to the USArchery/NFAA Basic Instructor course being sponsored by Longhorn Council (used to be NAA Level 1). The course is 12 hours in length and costs $75. It includes all necessary Archery Instructor training and materials. It’s excellent for senior youth. This is a 2 day class.

Important update.. Please share and read..

https://www.facebook.com/LHC.Arrowhead/ the above link takes you directly to the new Facebook page for the combined Arlington and Mansfiel...