Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mountain Man Rendezvous at Sid

Did you know about the Mountain man event??

Booyah! Free-trappers, Mountain men, Flat-landers and Greenhorns!

Welcome to the Mountain Man Rendezvous!!! The MMR will be held January 2-4, 2014 just off Lake Bridgeport at Sid Richardson Scout Ranch - Buchanan Springs campground. The Rendezvous is a High Adventure activity for Varsity Teams & Venturing Crews or Boy Scouts fourteen years of age and older. The Rendezvous has only three simple rules:
1. Look good!
2. Don't get killed.
3. If ya git killed, look good doin' it.

Seriously, the Mountain Man Rendezvous (MMR) is not a Camporee where scouts just show up, with no work or preparation required beforehand.
So, if you're going to the MMR, you will need to prepare for it NOW.
  • That means getting regalia ready now and not the day before the MMR.
  • That means making knives, sheaths and possibles bags.
  • It means making a capote now so you don't freeze your skinny fanny.
  • Also, it means working on the Golden Passport now so your team can qualify for early entrance and access to all Outposts. All Golden Passport Teams will be automatically scheduled time slots at the Black Powder muzzle loader outpost as well as at Rock-climbing & Rappelling. Everyone else will take their chances.

The MMR is the full-deal for strengthening youth and their leaders. After the MMR, you will look back and say "Wow, that was incredible. How did you do that?!" And the youth will say "This is the best scouting event I've ever attended. I want to do it again." Everyone is energized by the Rendezvous and you and your youth will become better leaders of Scouts and Venturers. But ya gotta follow the plan.

Golden Passport

The Golden Passport requires service done in advance of the MMR as a Team, specifically for the Rendezvous. That means you can't piggy-back on an Eagle-Scout service-project or a ward or stake service project. It's purposely done for the MMR. Now before you greenhorns and flat-landers start to belly-ache and moan, the MMR and especially the Golden Passport will do more to build unity and strengthen your team than anything else you will ever do in scouting or in the YM. Bar none. Yes, even Mr. Scouting Skeptic will be blown away. So trust us and just do it, now. Git your Golden Passport project registered now.
Start Getting Ready NOW and Earn Your Golden Passport FOR EARLY ACCESS TO EVENT OUTPOSTS.  Golden Passport Project Approval Deadline is DECEMBER 1,  2013.
TEAM Captains & CREW Presidents: find a project, submit the form and send it to the Booshway as soon as possible so you can qualify.

Awards and Recognition

The MMR is all about lots of Awards, Prizes and Recognition for youth. Really, they see a ton of criticism in their daily lives. The MMR is all about recognizing the good that each young man does. So, we have a multi-layered system for recognizing individual scouts and teams in multiple settings and situations, not just on how a scout or a team performs at an outpost. This is another key reason why scouts love the MMR.


Outpost events at the MMR include: Rock Climbing, Rappelling, Archery, Flint Knapping, Arrow Making, Double Ball, Flint N Steel, Bow N Drill, Char Cloth,2-Man Buck Sawing, Caber-Tossing, Stick Pull'N, Stump Pulling, River Crossing, Knots, Travios Pull, LTO-OTL Puzzle, Trust Fall, Spider Webb, True North, Wildcat Eye,As a Crow Fly's, Cannon, Bullet Casting, Black Powder Shoot'n, Knife Throwing, 'Hawk Throwin', Black Smith'n, Service Project, Buck Skinner Model Camp, Trading Blanket, Campfire shows, Awesome Collectors medallion, Native American Dancing, Vespers Trail,and for Bragging Rights, The Colter Run! More activities are in development but even with all the outposts there is no way a varsity team or crew will be able to get to all of them. They as a team decide which they will do and which they will skip. This is also a deliberate component of the MMR. It teaches young men to make hard decisions and to choose. But they do that together, as a team.

To Be Early is to be On Time, To be on Time is To Be late, To be Late is Unacceptable

One little tidbit your team will want to remember: We start every event on time. If an event starts and a team shows up 30-seconds late or we've barely started, too darn bad. No, we're not psycho. The MMR is all about teaching life-lessons. Team captains are instructed and reviewed in this key principle at MMR check-in: "To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, to be late is unacceptable!" Varsity scouts and Venturers should expect to manage themselves, their time, and to put their scout skills & teamwork to the test. We're not kidding, either. Be Prepared so the bears don't get ya!

Registration Details

Consult the Rendezvous Registration page as soon as possible. Please save yourselves money and help us to get plenty 'o supplies in advance. Register by November 1, 2013 for $35.00 per person. After November 1st, the late registration fee will be $45.00 per person.

Fees do not include food so you'll have to plan for that. The sooner we know you're coming the more staff we can assign to outposts and the more materials we can have so you don't have to wait in line.
Questions or for more information contact:
Booshway, Fletcher >>>--------> (Tom Cole) (817) 269-1989

Segundo, Big Bear (Daren Perkins) (972) 724-5724

Tercero, Joker (Clyde Gromley) (214) 926-5846

Cuarto, Mother Arrow (Heidi Patton)

Quinto, Fort Albert (Craig Allen)

Cocinero, Standing Bear (Mike Goodrich)

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Important update.. Please share and read.. the above link takes you directly to the new Facebook page for the combined Arlington and Mansfiel...