Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chinese Student Exchange

Scouting friends

I am making the final push to find host families for the group arriving on July 20th. I ask that you please share this information with anyone you think might be inclined to participate or support a project like this. I lack about 10 families (3 pairs are boys). The website has complete information so it is easy to just share the link.

The website is www.arlingtonfriendship.org

There will be an short piece in the Fort Worth Star Telegram on Monday asking for host families. I am trying like crazy to recruit through "known" networks to avoid the expense of background checks. The Telegram is planning to cover the exchange and I have had inquiries from FOX. Several students (from Oakridge) will be earning community service hours through the project and AISD will also count it for NHS, StuCo, etc. For Scouts, I would imagine that there would be merit or badge worthy credit available, too.

Below is a letter that you can adapt or use as needed to share the information.

I appreciate anything you could do to share the information.

Thanks, Kate

Letter follows

In less than two weeks 48 middle school students (ages 13-15) and 5 teachers from Chengdu, China will arrive in Arlington to learn more about America. They are anxious to know her people: our culture, our families, and our language. The response for host families has not yielded enough families. Please consider hosting a pair of students or a teacher.

These students and teachers represent three schools from Chengdu: Foreign Language School, Shi Shi Middle School and the Shude Experimental School—all of which have websites if you are interested in learning more about them. Chengdu is located in the southwestern part of China in Sichuan Province. The city boasts a population of 11 million people. Chengdu is also home to the Panda Breeding and Rehabilitation Institute…and to really spicy Chinese food. You may recall the area was rocked by a very large earthquake not too long ago.

I realize the time is short, but hope you can find it in your heart to help welcome these young visitors and their teachers to our community. Due to the lack of host families, their original schedule had to be modified. Now, the first few days the group will stay a hotel; followed by two weeks with families. The requirements for a host family are modest-- meals, a place to sleep and transportation to their activity site during the week. Please consider opening your home to offer family hospitality:

Week I : Sunday July 24th – Sunday July 31st
Week II: Sunday July 31st –Monday, Aug 8th

During the day, the group will take part in local tours and educational activities geared to enhance their understanding of English. During the first week the activities will be centered at the First United Methodist Church in Central Arlington. The second week, they move around a little more with one day at FUMC, 3 at Boles Jr. High and Six Flags. The teachers will be touring the Seguin Network schools of Ashworth, Ousley and Seguin. The students will work three days with AVID students from Boles.

There is a web site set up to provide information and updates. www.arlingtonfriendship.org.

If you are not in a position to host, I ask that you share the information with someone you believe might be interested. I am available to answer any questions about this program. My cell number is 817-313-8458 and another contact email is kate.ross@sbcglobal.net.

I thank for your consideration.

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