Tuesday, June 26, 2012

July10th Boy Scout Round Table

When I think about the up-coming Scout Roundtable I recall the following Bob Dylan lyrics:

“You’d better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone
  For the times, they are a changing.”

The program will be on Aquatics. The program highlight all the recent changes (and there have been some) to certifications, rules and training involving Aquatics and the BSA. The program will be given by a long-time Scout Aquatics expert and practitioner – Lee Smith of troop 396. So come and learn; bathing suits are optional (you won’t hear that at too many Scout events)!
The Scout Roundtable is scheduled for 7:30pm, July 10th, Pantego Christian Academy, 2201 West Park Row.  Be there!

Roundtable programs are always sought. Let me know someone you know who can make a presentation of interest, please.

Kenneth Majka, CIA, CRCM
Vice President, Compliance
Colonial Savings, F.A.
fax 817-390-2204

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