Hello Robert,
Here are just some of the latest happenings in Scouting. Thank you for your continued support!
Yours in Scouting,
Dustin Farris
Director, Scouting Alumni and Friends
P.S. Always remember...Once A Scout, Always A Scout.
P.P.S. 'A' great gift for the letterman in your life... or yourself! Show your Scouting alumni spirit with the alumni 'A' letter patch. This uniquely designed, chenille patch will look great on any jacket. Visit the Alumni Store to find this and other alumni items.
P.P.P.S. If you find a typo in this ScoutingWire: Alumni edition, send us an email at bsaalumni@scouting.org, with the subject "Alumni Spelling Bee", and a description of the typo. We will feature YOU in a future issue of Alumni Alive!